It is here where the magic of bilingual books begins!

Our bilingual books have been used in reading programs, writing workshops, and as a tool to teach                                       English as well as Spanish to students from preschool to college.                                               

We are proud of the fact that our stories have been read by many people abroad in schools                          and public libraries in many countries, as well as at home.


Authors María Retana, Miles Last and illustrator Salva Ferrando are happy to announce the Isabella & Chloe series for 2024. The "pilot" book Chloe's Secrets/Los secretos de Chloe, a bilingual non-fiction picture book, was published on March 11th 2024, and the second book Pele's Domains/Los dominios de Pele a bilingual (English and Spanish) chapter book on September 10th 2024. It will take the reader to Kilauea Volcano, Pele’s home. She is an important goddess in Hawaiian mythology on the Big Island of Hawaii. 

Eruption  of Kilauea Volcano on February 26, 2025!

Authors María Retana, Miles Last and illustrator Salva Ferrando invite readers of all ages to witness the annual migration of the Monarch Butterfly via their bilingual chapter book Miles & Lee Save the Monarch Butterflies/Miles & Lee salvan las mariposas monarcas.


Monarch butterflies embark on a marvelous migratory phenomenon. They travel between 1,200 and 2,800 miles or more from the northeast United States, and southeast Canada to the mountain forests in central Mexico, where they find the right climate conditions to hibernate from the beginning of November to mid-March. 


We offer our e-books for $2.99 and in the Kindle Unlimited format as well.  Want to read a sample of our books? Please visit our Amazon page below. Enjoy them!


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